Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We have 2 offices to serve you. Check which office your property manager is assigned to. Must have appointment.

Beach Cities office
727 2nd Street, Unit 206
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
(310) 938-7649

Satellite Office
4014 Marine Ave, Unit A
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 408-2432
(424) 278-0011

What is your emergency
number/after-hours number?

In the event of an emergency, please dial 911 if it is deemed necessary. For an after-hours maintenance emergency, you may reach Eli at 310-504-0486 or Chris at 310-408-2432.

My sink/ toilet is clogged,
do I have to pay for it to be
cleared by a plumber?

If you are at fault for the back up you will be billed.

What is just cause of eviction?

Any violation of your lease is just cause of eviction.

What happens if my roommate
wants to go, but I want to stay?

Roommates are jointly and severally responsible under the lease. However, we can work with you to see if you can qualify on your own or get another approved roommate.

What is the penalty for leaving
my monthly lease early?

Residents must give notice of intent to vacate in accordance with the terms of your lease and California law.

I want to break the lease,
what do I do?

It’s a one-year lease you are responsible for the duration of the lease. Your first step is to inform the office; we’ll start advertising your unit to try to get a suitable replacement. Once we find a tenant you will be responsible for the rent of the unit until the date the new tenant moves in and of the entire administrative fee incur in the rental of the unit.

Can I sublease?

No, you cannot sublease.

What if I locked myself out?

Call a lock smith.

I lost my keys, what should I do?

Notify your manager.

I have a problem with my
apartment. Who should I call?

Please call your property manager.

I want to move out. What
are the steps to follow?

If you want to move out and your lease will expire in thirty days or your tenancy is month to month, you must provide a 30-day notice.

How do we ensure a
full deposit refund?

By ensuring that you have a zero balance on your account ledger by the time you move and doing a pre-move out inspection to identify items that will be charged, and correcting any chargeable damage inside the premises.

Can I use my security deposit for my last month of rent?

No, you cannot use your deposit for your last month of rent.

What is your pet policy?

Pet policies vary from property to property and depend upon the building owner’s specifications. It is best to first ask the property manager to see what the specific policy is for that building or unit. If pets are accepted, a pet deposit will need to be collected. Additionally, pet rent will be collected per month along with your normal monthly rent for that unit.

How long until I get
my deposit back?

Your deposit will be mailed within 21 days after vacating in accordance with California law.

Is renter’s insurance required
under my lease?

Depends on your building.

When is my first month’s rent due?

On the first of the month, unless otherwise noted in the lease.

How much grace period do I have
for rent payments?

We give 3 days of grace period. Please refer to the lease.

Where can I pay the rent?

You can pay rent online or mail a check to the office. There is a drop slot at the right side of the door at office: 4014 Marine Ave, unit A, Lawndale, Ca, 90260

What is your application process?

Submit completed application with proof of income, ID, and credit check fee.

What does the application fee
cover, and why is it nonrefundable?

The application fee covers the cost to run the application.

Can I change the paint color, install
a satellite, or make other changes?

Check with your property manager before you make any changes.

How do I set up utilities?

Call the utility company.

My neighbor plays loud music late
at night, what do you suggest?

As a first step, if your neighbor is violating House Rules, we always suggest first talking to your neighbor in a friendly tone of voice. For instance, you may want to let him/her know that they may be unaware of the fact that it is late at night, their music can be heard in your unit, and is preventing you from sleeping. If you have already tried this, and the behavior continues, please inform Management, and SPM will contact the tenant. If the behavior continues even after SPM has made a direct request to your neighbor, please inform SPM, and further steps may need to be taken. If there is a loud party late at night and you feel you have no choice, by all means contact the Police Department.

Someone is parked in my parking
space, what do I do?

Leave a kind note to your neighbor letting them know. If the car is not moved within an allowable time, then call the office during business hours for help.